Application is open from January 3 through January 31, 2022. Winners are announced on February 11, 2022.

FCCPTA is pleased to provide $500.00 grants to ten FCCPTA local units in good standing. Five of these grants are set aside for PTAs serving Title I Schools. These grants are designed to help local PTAs bounce back after COVID, and be reflective of the PTA’s mission and best practices.
PTAs/PTSAs with average account balances of $10k or less are eligible to apply. (If you are a PTSA with an All Night Grad Party (ANGP) balance, that amount is excluded from the $10k minimum)
Each application will be blind coded by our Treasurer so the evaluation committee does not know the school/local PTA who is applying. Do not disclose any identifying information in your grant application. (E.g., DO NOT SAY “Elementary School will use this money for…” instead, DO SAY “we will use this money for…”
Submit this form, Part I to our Treasurer (Jamie Yarussi, with the following information: PTA/PTSA Name; Contact Information (name, email, phone number) for the person filling this out on the PTA/PTSAs’ behalf. Jaime will verify your unit is in good standing, or will help you submit the paperwork to get you in good standing. She will then provide you a blind code which will be your identifier for applying for the grant.
Once you have completed Part I, please complete Part II of the application, found here no later than January 31st. Note you can also complete the application over the phone or via Zoom. Email Jaime at to schedule a time. This MUST be completed by the January 31 deadline.
Each application will be independently reviewed by a team of no less than 5 individuals who will provide a rating of 0-25 points each for the following two criteria:
What PTA activity or purchase will you use these funds for?
How will this grant allow more members to participate/benefit or how will this grant strengthen your community?
The PTAs/PTSAs with the highest points will be awarded the grants.
As you develop your application answers keep in mind that the PTA grants cannot pay for anything that the school division should provide (e.g. air filters) and because FCPS received federal Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief Fund (ESSR) money to support COVID mitigation strategies. FCCPTA will not consider any proposals inclusive of COVID mitigation projects. Instead, grant funds may be used for things like addressing food insecurities (e.g. food pantries), supporting technology so that your PTA can better support hybrid meetings or events, or programs that support the general health, safety, and wellness of children.
Winners will be announced February 11th, 2022. FCCPTA is proud to support local PTA units in Fairfax County with this years grant program! Local unit support, along with advocacy, leadership and programs, are the key components of our work.
