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Join the FCCPTA Team!

Writer's picture: Jenna WhiteJenna White

As a large nonprofit organization, we are always looking to add leadership to our team. Whether it's an officer role that is vacant, or a new initiative we are looking to support, check below for open positions and then complete the interest form on our volunteer page if you are interested in volunteering to support public education in Fairfax County!


Vice- President, Advocacy


Vice- President, Programs

Education Chair

Membership Chair

Awards Chair

Grants Chair

Minority Student Achievement Oversight Committee (MSAOC)

Pyramid Ambassadors

Nominations Committee Member

Scholarship Committee Members

Calendar Committee Members

We just had two officers step down and we have an urgent need to fill the following officer positions: VP of Advocacy, Secretary and VP of Programs. Learn about these roles below.

Vice- President, Advocacy Officer description: Act as aide to the president; In designated order, perform the duties of the president in the absence or inability of that officer to act; Serve as 2nd vice president; Serve as Advocacy Chair.; Coordinate council efforts in the advocacy areas of budgetary, education and legislation for both the Fairfax County Public School Districts and Commonwealth of Virginia; Monitor and coordina

te council efforts with Fairfax County Public Schools, Virginia Department of Education, and United States Department of Education on public policy; Review state and national PTA advocacy initiatives; Provide action alerts for council positions; Perform other delegated duties as assigned. Secretary Officer description: Record the minutes of all meetings of the council; Act as custodian of all records; Keep the official copy of the council bylaws in his/her files; Keep an accurate roster of the names of each local PTA/PTSA units in membership, the names and addresses of local PTA/PTSA officers and delegates, and the names and addresses of the members of the council executive board; Notifies Chairs of appointments; Prepare correspondence required by the Executive Committee; Perfor

m other delegated duties as assigned.

Vice- President, Programs Officer description: Act as aide to the president; In designated order, perform the duties of the president in the absence or inability of that officer to act; Serve as 3rd vice president; Serve as Programs Chair.; In conjunction with appropriate committee chairs coordinate council sponsored programs to include Awa

rds, Reflections, Spelling Bee, Scholarships and other Council sponsored events; Perform other delegated duties as assigned.

We also have numerous committee that are the lifeblood of our work with local units and members. We are currently seeking chairs for Education, Membership, Awards and Grants. Our goal is to maintain these programs rather than cut them, in order to do that we need local volunteers.

Education Chair This chair serves to: monitor activities pertaining to the FCPS instructional plan, including the School Board Governance, Operational Expectations, Interpretations & Indicators, Monitoring Reports, Operating Plan, Standards of Learning (SOL), SOL Assessments, and community involvement in the FCP

S curriculum and evaluation process; Provide in-depth studies, as authorized by the Executive Board, on specific educational issues; Committee consists of special interest topics and coalitions within FCPS (i.e. 2E).

Membership Chair Your role is to help local units effectively ask their community to be a part of PTA. You will share resources, ideas, answer questions, and build relationships with local units, all in the name of supporting our strength in numbers. Awards Chair This chair works to: promote Council Awards for local units in good standing; Chair committee to review applications for criteria, oversee judging, and presentation of awards Grants Chair Your role is to promote

Council Grants for local units in good standing; Develop criteria and theme for each school year; Chair committee to review applications for criteria, oversee judging, and presentation of awards.

Additionally, we have one FCPS School Board Advisory Committee Representative opening:

Minority Student Achievement Oversight Committee (MSAOC) Represents FCCPTA on the MSAOC- an FCPS School Board Committee; MSAOC monitors the implementation of FCPS programs, policies, and strategies that affect minority student achievement, provides an assessment and consults with minority parent community to keep them informed of these efforts; This committee advocates for minority student achievement by identifying, reviewing, and assessing issues affecting minority student academic achievement within the policies, curriculum, practices, and procedures of FCPS. The committee’s responsibilities also include: making appropriate recommendations to the School Board; reviewing strategies and proposing solutions for closing the achievement gap; evaluating progress towards goals set by the School Board for closing the achievement gap; and ensuring outreach to parents and guardians about resources available through FCPS.

Finally, there are opportunities to engage as a committee member, where you can do meaningful work without being in charge! We are always looking for committee members, with the strongest needs currently for:

Pyramid Ambassadors We are in need of FCCPTA ambassadors for the following pyramids: Lewis, Madison, Marshall, South County, Centreville, Edison, McLean and Oakton. Ambassadors foster closer connections with local units, provide support, update on issues and share information. See Ambassador Program page for more about the role, open pyramids, and contact information, and fill out the volunteer interest form below if you are able to join our team!

Nominations Committee Member We need one (possibly two) volunteers to serve on our nominations committee. You will be part of an amazing and fun team who identifies and approaches our next leadership team.

Scholarship Committee Members This committee works with the scholarship chair to promote the FCCPTA scholarship program, create scholarship program operations, and award scholarships to five deserving FCPS students!

Calendar Committee Members This is a new committee who will advise us how we can best plan our work with a deeper understanding of religious and cultural holidays. This group will also work closely with our Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Chair so we can incorporate this knowledge beyond the calendar. Students are highly desired to get involved (and get community service hours).

To learn more, email Kara Jenkins at Or, complete the volunteer interest form on our volunteer page and we will follow up with you!

As always, we thank all our leaders and volunteers, please consider taking your PTA work to new heights in one of these roles.

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