The first of four general membership meetings for FCCPTA was held last night on Zoom. The agenda was as follows:
1. Guest Presentations
A. Dr. Brabrand
B. FCPS Career & Technical Education
2. Call to Order
3. Mission Statement & Values
4. FCCPTA Board Introductions
5. Officers Reports
A. President: Nominations: Ratify Jane Miscavage; Seek 2 additional members
B. Treasurer: Financial Review, 2021-2022 Budget
C. Secretary: Approval of May 2021 General Membership Meeting Minutes
D. Advocacy: COVID/ School Lunch follow up
E. Communications: New FCCPTA website
6. Committee & Representatives Reports
A. Military Families
B. Reflections
C. Spelling Bee
D. NOVA District
E. SEPTA Announcement
7. New Business
A. Open Positions
8. Open Floor
9. Closing
A recording of the meeting can be viewed on demand here, and the presentation slides are available to download here:
The next general membership meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, December 1, 2021 at 7pm.